Presenting the POGI Family

“As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round.” -Ben Hogan

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Joey Alfonso

Of all the hazards, fear is the worst. - Sam Snead
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Mario Balmater

Be happy for every moment. Life is short to worry for a lot of things. Play golf!!!
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Jess Bautista

Life doesn't always go according to plan. That's why I have plan B, go out and play golf. Most of our mistakes are self-inflicted. So true in golf.
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Ricky Camacho

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Tim Caro

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Dino Del Rosario

Life in general is not a bed of roses... it takes patience, commitment, perseverance, endurance and most of all... love. You fail but keep grinding, you celebrate success but keep pursuing. Golf is the same... at the end of each game, you just have to ask yourself if you are a better player and/or person when you sink that small ball on the 18th hole, than when you made that first tee shot, despite of your score or balls that you lost.
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Jun Domantay

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Manny Domantay

'Golf is like sex. You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it.'
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Dante Estrada

Golf is an unusual game. When you have a good day, you can’t wait to get back out there, and when you have a bad day, you can’t wait to get back out there.” - Mic
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Ralph Ferrer

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Jerson Florencio

Always make a total effort...even when the odds are against you.
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Nestor Geslani

“The clock of life is wound but once, And no man has the power To tell just when the hands will stop At late or early hour. To lose one's wealth is sad indeed, To lose one's health is more, To lose one's soul is such a loss That no man can restore. The present only is our own, So live, love, toil with a will, Place no faith in "Tomorrow," For the Clock may then be still.” ― Robert H. Smith
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Musto Khan

A humble soul searching for a purpose. Along the way, i made some life long friends and found love.
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Edwin Mapa

It’s Not how you drive but how you arrive!
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Ed Mendoza

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Alden Nacionales

Enjoy golf - one shot at a time. Aim, Hit, Putt. Repeat!
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Barry Reyes

May The Course Be With You!
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Alex Rima

Get as much sun tan, burn calories, stay in shape, lower cholesterol, reduce risk of heart disease and live longer! I’m ALL IN.. in GOLF!